Eyes are organs that detect light and convert it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons. But the small vessels behind eyes could also reveal how healthy your brain is, a new study has revealed.
Scientists have found that people with wider veins scored worse on IQ tests in middle age, Fox News reported.
The study`s lead author, Idan Shalev, said that factors like smoking, diabetes, or socioeconomic status couldn`t be alone blame for the poor scores.
Shalev said that because eye vessels are developed from the same cells that brain vessels are developed from, they may reflect its condition. The study has found that the health of your eyes could indicate brain health at a much earlier age.
Shalev said that even if you're blessed with 20/20 vision, retinal imaging- a fancy term for the photo eye docs take of your eyes- does far more than test vision and It could be the easiest way yet to check in on your brain.
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